North Central Library District

Interlibrary Loan Procedures

  • Search the James V. Brown Library catalog to see if a Lycoming County Library System library owns the book.
    • If, yes, complete the North Central Library District Interlibrary Loan Request Form found on the NCLD website. Requests must be made through the Interlibrary Loan Form. Emails and Access PA requests will not be filled. NCLD pays for postage to and from your library.
  • If LCLS doesn’t own the material, the member libraries have two choices.
    • Complete an ACCESS PA request on their own. (member library pays for postage).
    • Submit the ACCESS PA request to JVBL through the Interlibrary Loan Request Form (NCLD pays for postage).
  • If JVBL nor any library in the state owns the title:
    • Submit request through Interlibrary Loan Request Form for OCLC processing. (JVBL pays for postage) 
    • All Interlibrary Loan requests submitted via the form will be reviewed and processed in a maximum of 3 days. Shipping and processing to member libraries can take 2-3 weeks, depending upon the response of the lending library.
ILL Form

ILL Services are open, however, we ask for patience while our new staff member acclimates. Thank you!